Sunday, July 31, 2011

Milestone Birthdays

So, I'm going a little out of order....but I thought I'd do one big post for the milestones we've been fortunate to be a part of the past few months!
First, on May 19th Lance's Dad Garry turned 75!!!  Some yard fairies visited during the night...and here is what he woke up to!  Happy Birthday, Garry!

Our next "Big" birthday was my Gran's birthday!  Gran turned 90 on July 5th, but we celebrated on the 3rd with almost the whole family.  (Unfortunately, Lance wasn't able to come)
 Love how Gran has her hand on Grandaddy!  :)
 Me and my Grandparents!
 Gran, Grandaddy and their "kids": Mary Ann, Nancy (Mom), Jimmy and Chuck.
The whole family that was present at the birthday!

Our final MILESTONE was my Grandaddy Napier turned 101!!!!  No, that was not a typo....he's 101.  He didn't play golf this year on his birthday (it's been WAY too hot!), but he enjoyed an entire weekend of celebrations.

 First party: at my parents house with our entire family!
Michael and Grandaddy
 Our next celebration: the Cloisters, his condo association, had a celebration.  It was very is Grandaddy conducting the "happy birthday" song! 
 101---and cutting his own cake!
 What a handsome man!
 The woman behind him---Caroline.  Thanks Caroline for keeping Grandaddy young!  You are a great team!
 The four Don's: Don I (Juan), Don II, Don III, and Don IV.  AWESOME.


  1. So many milestones! Longevity seems to run in both your families. Good to see you blogging again.

  2. Such lovely birthday bash. I had a great time having a look at these photos. At the local event space I also would be hosting a cute and lovely 50th birthday bash for my mom and going to book the prettiest event space with the vintage kind of décor.
