Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Giving Trees

It's 3:00am, and naturally, I am wide awake.  I've been thinking hard about a friend that has recently gone through something that I had to endure a few months back.  There are a lot of things that have brought me peace in this time: my faith, friends and family.  But, I'd like to point out a few things in nature that have somehow come to represent the love, faith and strength that Lance and I have found since we've met.  And of course, it has to do with trees!!!

As you know if you've read the blog previously, Lance has done MAJOR renovations in our yard.  It is beautiful, absolutely stunning.  We have a modest home (which I have come to LOVE) and this AMAZING yard.  What I love about the yard is how it has come together over time...throughout the course of our relationship. It's not like he put together a plan, and voila a few weeks later it was completed.  He thought this out for years, and slowly everything has fallen into place.  Let me tell you about the four "Giving Trees" in our yard.

In our front yard is a young Oak Tree.  When we began dating, it was very small...I'd say about 15 feet, pretty whimpy, which did not really serve much purpose that I thought an Oak Tree should serve (providing shade, something for children to climb in, etc).  In the four years since we've met, it has become the center piece in our yard---tripled in size.  When I look at that tree, I think about how far Lance and I have come, from dating to a wonderful marriage where we rely on each other for support.  The tree has come to symbolize our life together for me.

 On a trip down to Longboat Key, after we hadn't been dating more than a year, I pointed out a Bismarkia Palm tree to Lance and mentioned that I thought it was so beautiful and unique.  At some point, this tree happened to show up in our backyard!!  (It suffered some through this winter, but is still beautiful)

The Bird of Paradise: this is Lance's "Bizmarkia".  There's a background story on our current Bird of Paradise.  Lance had a particular tree that was at his rental house that he was grooming for our backyard.  The big day came to move the tree, but unfortunately, he choose the wrong people to move it and the tree was ruined.  I know it broke his heart to see this tree he had known so long become so damaged.  Lance let it go and sought out a new one.  Finally, he found a beautiful Bird of Paradise down the road, purchased it and had it moved.  On arrival, I really didn't find the beauty of this tree! (Honestly).  It was HUGE and overgrown.  Naturally, Lance took time, many hours, and groomed this new tree.  I look at that tree now and think of what a hard worker my husband is and how proud I am of him.

Finally, there is a new "special tree", I refer to it as the "baby tree".  When Lance and I lost our first baby back in November, we wanted desperately to do something to remember our baby for years to come.  When you lose a child, it stays with you (even at 9.5 weeks).  I told Lance of my idea, and he started scouring his brain for the perfect tree.  Naturally, he thought of a few trees that bloomed in the Fall (so every year we could think of our baby), and came up with a few choices.  I was to choice "the tree".  We settled on a Silk Floss Tree.  This is a unique tree whose trunk is full of spikes, but that blooms beautifully.   When Lance brought in the tree....I saw it go past my office window and I thought..."THAT is our Baby Tree?!?"  It was a trunk, with a few leaves, nothing.  It has since begun budding leaves and has brought me a new since of hope and peace that our little one is with us and will always be!

Some people find peace in music, art, and some in nature.  Nature and plants have become to mean more to me because of my husband.  Will we "outgrow" our trees like in The Giving Tree book by Shel Silverstein?  I would think and hope, No.  I just hope I don't take too much from them! 
Back to bed!  Good night Moon, good night Cow jumping over the moon, good night tree with the big scary spikes!!!   :)

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